
An opportunity to foresee the future, to inspire you to act on it and, thus, feel prepared to make change happen.

Day 1, 17th of September


We gathered an outstanding cast to ponder on four future dimensions: human behavior and decision- making processes, sharing economy; innovation and its impact on the new business models and leadership and performance backed on human characteristics.

Richard Thaler, April Rinne, Mitch Lowe and Jean-François Manzoni are the keynote speakers for this day.


2.30 pm


3 pm

Opening remarks

3.15 pm

April Rinne | The Sharing Economy Mindset

4 pm

Mitch Lowe | Business Model Innovation and Creating a Winning Culture

4.45 pm

Coffee Break

5.15 pm

Jean-François Manzoni | Creating High Performance Human Teams

6 pm

Richard Thaler | Nudge and Create a Better Future

6.45 pm


7.30 pm

Closing remarks

7.45 pm

Evening Networking Party

Day 2, 18th of September

"What's Next?"

A morning dedicated to “What’s Next?” in Science, Innovation, Technology and Entrepreneurship. Keynote speakers with broad viewpoints and real cases of organisations that “are already in the future”.



9 am


9.30 am

"Future Technology meets...Future Businesses", with Markus Nordberg (CERN), João Claro (INESC), Pedro Vilarinho (HiSeedTech) and Rui Paiva (WeDo Technologies)

11.00 am

Coffee Break

11.30 am

"The Business Models Evolution", with Mark Searle (Berkeley), Jan Michel Auernhammer (Stanford), António Murta (Pathena) and Peter Villax (Hovione).

1 pm

Final Remarks by Nathalie Risacher (Natixis)

1.15 pm

End of Session