Michael Burda
Macroeconomics teaches students to be young economists, providing a contemporary approach to the subject and a wealth of real-life case studies to allow students to understand how economics works in practice.
Hervé Stolowy
Financial Accounting and Reporting
Financial Accounting and Reporting, the re-titled second edition of Corporate Financial Reporting, has become respected and widely used over the four years since it first appeared. This updated and redesigned edition is an introduction to financial accounting for business students who need a user rather than preparer perspective in accounting.
David Hillier
Corporate Finance
The fourth edition of Corporate Finance takes an applied approach to cover all the latest research and topic areas important to students taking Finance courses. The new edition provides an international perspective on all areas of corporate finance and has been updated to include discussion on current trends such as the rise of populism and trade barriers on international finance, the advent of Financial Technology, and key regulatory changes impacting the sector.
Carlo Alves
Calculo Financeiro Aplicado
Esta obra procura apresentar os principais instrumentos de cálculo financeiro necessários para abordar todo o tipo de problemas envolvendo o valor temporal do dinheiro, incluindo a análise comparativa de empréstimos, determinação do all-in cost de financiamentos, investimentos em ativos financeiros e reais, alternativas buy or lease e políticas de descontos financeiro, entre outras questões.
Robert S. Kaplan
Prémio de Execução
Tem uma estratégia, mas será que sabe pô-la em prática? Hoje em dia as empresas aparentam ter um esquema para tudo, desde a aquisição de novos clientes à gestão de relações com eles, ou da qualidade da gestão à avaliação do seu desempenho. Os líderes da indústria chegaram à conclusão de que ter processos sistemáticos aplicados reduz o risco, previne negligências e assegura a melhor forma de obter resultados.
Dan Ariely
Predictably Irrational
An evaluation of the sources of illogical decisions explores the reasons why irrational thought often overcomes level-headed practices, offering insight into the structural patterns that cause people to make the same mistakes repeatedly Why do smart people make irrational decisions every day? The answers will surprise you.
Hawiwini Viallet
Finance for Executives
Ideal for both aspiring managers and experienced executives, the Fourth Edition of Finance for Executives: managing for value creation illustrates the importance of financial information in maximizing firm value. Respected authors Gabriel Hawawini and Claude Viallet draw on their wealth of business experience to provide a concise, analytically sound introduction to financial management that is neither too simplistic nor too theoretical.
Alan Rushton
The Handbook of Logistics and Distribuition Management
This third edition includes updates in manufacturing logistics, integrated logistics, process design and home delivery and brand new sections on warehouse receipt and dispatch. Also contains an thorough explanation of new technologies such as radio frequency identification (RFID), voice technology, satellite crane systems and dynamic pick systems.
Arnaud de Baynast
Mercator 25 Anos
A primeira edição do Mercator foi lançada em Portugal em 1992. Vinte e cinco anos depois, e muitas edições mais tarde, aquele que é o manual de referência, a nível académico e empresarial, do marketing na sua globalidade (teoria e prática) está de volta com uma nova edição actualizada e com dois novos capítulos («25 anos de marketing em Portugal» e «Marketing digital»).
Richard A Brealey
Principles of Corporate Finance
The integrated solutions for Brealey's Principles of Corporate Finance have been specifically designed to help improve student performance, meaning that students are prepared for class and can successfully solve problems and analyse the results. Resources within Connect Finance provide unlimited opportunities for students to practice solving financial problems and apply what they've learned.
José Porto
Esta obra, dirigida inicialmente para o apoio às aulas de Fiscalidade, ultrapassa esses objetivos, constituindo igualmente um excelente meio de divulgação de matérias fiscais junto de gestores, empresários e técnicos ligados às áreas contabilística e fiscal. Nela se analisam os traços fundamentais dos impostos mais representativos para as empresas e para os particulares, conjugando a análise teórica com o estudo de aspetos eminentemente práticos, recorrendo a múltiplos exemplos concretos.
Robert W. Kolb
Future Options and Swaps
A new and updated edition of the most readable, comprehensive text available on derivatives markets. Utilizes an even more applied approach than previous editions Provides an excellent balance between introductory and advanced topics Extensively updated to incorporate and explicate development in the field including the areas of electronic trading platforms, globalization of market.
Bob Tricker
Corporate Governance
The Sixth edition of Introduction to Management Science focuses on business situations, including prominent non-mathematical issues, the use spreadsheets, and involves model formulation and assessment more than model structuring. The text has three key elements: modeling, case studies, and spreadsheets.