Paulo Salgado
Paulo Salgado has been a university professor at Universidade do Minho for 15 years, trainer and consultant in strategic communication, branding and marketing, with international certification in Corporate Reputation, by the Reputation Institute -New York. He is also a Lecturer in the Communication’s Post-Graduation of the League of Clubs (Football)/Universidade Católica . He also teaches Organizational Communication and Branding at the University of Maia and Branding for the Football School of the Portuguese Football Federation. He is a trainer of soft skills and investment pitch/public communication training for various entities, having collaborated with ANJE, Bosch, Grupo Primavera/CEGID, Portuguese Football Federation, Universidade do Minho, ICBAS (Universidade do Porto) and so many others, with more than 500 hours of training in communication skills. He has worked and still consults for several communication agencies and had 4 years’ experience at FC Porto (in the field of communication and branding). He has won several competitions of Public Speaking in Portugal and had prominent participation in 6 international competitions of Public Speaking, organized by Toastmasters International.