Miguel Henriques
He holds a Masters degree on Business Administration (University of Lancaster) and a Licenciatura on Economics (Faculdade de Economia do Porto). He has carried out research work on economic relationships among industrial firms and his current research interests focus on entrepreneurship and its financing, business angels and venture capital and also industrial networks. He has been a lecturer at the University of Porto since 1986. In the last 20 years, he’s held posts at the Board of several institutions, including IAPMEI (a governmental agency), where he has been responsible for the design and implementation of programmes to assist Portuguese SME in their efforts to foster competitiveness through marketing, cooperation and access to information; PME Capital, where he led a turnaround process leaving a a portfolio of 56 investee companies, most of them startups; Corporate divisions such as Lena Ambiente e Energia in the field of Envirnoment and Energy. He is currently CEO of Tagusgás, a public Concession for the distribution of natural gas and leads FNABA, the National Federation for Business Angels Networks, having a seat in the Board of EBAN (European Businesss Angels Network).