João Porto
Degree in Business Management from the University Portucalense, Postgraduate in Financial Analysis by the Institute of Financial Studies Superiors and Tax, with the Management Program Enterprises (PDE) by AESE Business School and an Advanced Management Program at INSEAD in Fontainebleau and Singapore. Extensive experience as a professional in Commercial and Marketing Management. This experience has been more focused on B2B and punctually B2C markets in brands such as BCP, Optimus, Público and NOS. Timely experience in areas of Customer Service and point of sale logistics. He is currently Managing Partner and founder of Pólux Consultores, a consultancy company specialised on helping SME´s to get their full sales potencial. He is a Partner of Expense Reduction Analysts, an international consultant in the area of cost optimization and cash flow generation. He is also co-founder of the company Gestão de Créditos SA, a "fintec" where he acts as President of the Shareholders Assembly.