Ademar Aguiar
Ademar Aguiar does a lot of different activities related with software, from research, training and consulting, to ideation, coding, and venture development.
Ademar forces himself to apply to real projects what he teaches and researches, and vice-versa. He is responsible for several course units related with Software Engineering as a Professor at Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto (FEUP), does research at INESC TEC (former INESC Porto), and presently is leading innovative software projects, both personal and contract-based, in the areas of aid development, personal knowledge management, and education with technology.
After knowing about Adaptive Software Development (ASD) and being evangelised on XP at EuroPLoP’1997, he studied different lightweight methods, such as Crystal Clear and Feature Driven Development. He organised at FEUP the first course on XP in Portugal, and became himself an evangelist of agile methods for teams of projects, startups, and companies (2001), and later to
academia (2005).
To grow and mature the agile community in Portugal, in 2010, Ademar started the Agile Portugal line of conferences, and has been co-organising and steering them since then.
After 25 years of coding, Ademar found special interest on architecture, design and implementation of complex software systems, applying agile methods (XP, Scrum), wikis, open collaboration tools, social software, and social learning environments to better communicate and
preserve the necessary software knowledge.
Ademar is currently an active member of the ScrumPLoP community, which is devoted to identify and document the best practices of Scrum, to uncover the “why’s” and “how’s” of successfully adopting and implementing Scrum in a specific organisation, e.g. yours